Cyndi’s Health Trends for 2015

Written by Changing Habits

December 6, 2014

  1. People will change from reading nutritional labels for calories, fat, salt and sugar and will start looking at the ingredients of foods. They will be concerned that the food does not look
    like a chemical laboratory but rather what their grandmother would have had in her pantry.
  2. Local and seasonal foods will become a focus due to the growing concern of climate change. Farmers markets will become more popular and more will be available during the week as opposed to only weekends. Regional areas will start to have markets like the Prahan and Melbourne markets.
  3. Knowing your farmer for your meat, eggs, poultry and dairy supplies and how they treat their animals will be something that people will seek out on a local level. While grass fed is popular,
    farmers will begin to educate their customers on the fact that in drought, supplement feedings are needed or the animal will suffer.
  4. Functional real foods will overtake the chemical supplement food industry. People will seek out foods high in vitamin C such as Camu Camu and kakadu plum, as opposed to popping a vitamin C tablet made from glucose and fermented and GM processes along with fillers. This will be seen across the supplement market that will include green powders, fermented foods and natural probiotics and will become a place where people will find their nutrient needs.
  5. Fish oil will trend downward in sales as people understand that it is not an ethical or sustainable product and more plant based Omegas 3’s will increase in sales such as inca inchi and flax.
  6. Salt, fat and sugar will not be seen as the evils of modern times, but rather it will switch to not about how much but rather the importance of the quality of these foods. Himalayan Salt, good quality fats such as cold pressed nut and seed oils and natural sugars like rapadura sugar (unprocessed) and honey will become pantry staples.
  7. The strangle hold breakfast cereals have on the market will slowly decrease as more people realise that they are a refined food, laced with dubious ingredients, high in sugar, hybridised
    and gmo grains and fortified with isolated nutrients.
  8. The Paleo movement will move away from being seen as a strict diet with no legumes, grains and dairy to no longer being about food but more a way of life. It will see a trend about going back to our body’s evolutionary needs which includes: real food (non gmo, non hybridised, non processed) as well as the importance of sleep, sunlight, connection, movement (not necessarily heavy exercise), grounding and reduction in emfs. In other words, creating a modern world around the evolutionary needs of our body. Private education for nutrition and university
    courses around nutrition and health will be in demand. It will be one of the hottest professions to be in.
  9. I’m not sure if this will happen in 2015, but I believe there will begin to be a shift and change in foods service to hospitals, retirement home and even tuckshops, as more people become informed about the foods and their consequences to health.

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